Tuesday, July 31, 2012

SMO Toronto 2012

Day 1:
Kristin Exley assisting with the assembly line coordination
This was a truly action packed day from the moment we got into the vans to drive to our work sites.Our students have been divided into 5 groups in partnership with the other 3 church groups who are serving here. We have one group of students working at Booth Industries. Booth Industries is a facility where adults with various mental disabilities work on an assembly line to accomplish various tasks. Our students have come alongside these individuals to assist them in the assembly line work, provide great conversation, but as Lauren Wiles stated in her review of the day, "This really makes you value and cherish the amazing gifts and abilities God has blessed us with to not take them for granted". The other students with her being Alex Guy, Kristin Exley and Joshua Kovaly (group lead by Starr Tucker-Nibbs) agreed that it was tough work being there but there is power with God knowing the blessing He give us everything we have.

Group 2 was lead by Big Joe Luciana. They had a start to morning where they left for Booth Industries to assist Starr's group until lunch time. Right after lunch, they headed to the beach. I know you all just thought they went there to swim and have fun. They did have fun. They cleaned up the shore which was filled with garbage. In the United States we recycle, but here they have taken waste management to next level. The students and leaders working at the shore were able to recycle you normal plastic, glass, and paper product. Also, any food they found became part of the compost they would use to help the environment. This way there is minimal waste that goes out.

This is a small picture of the park they cleaned up

Group 3 is lead by Gary Gazica. Gary is part of a very creative and energetic groups working at the Kids Club here at the church. This kids club is run by one of the Youth Workers staff. There about 20 kids that range from ages 4-11. The group is responsible for teaching a lesson, creating a craft, and having a story time. At the end of the club, the group plays a game with the kids. Everyone in this group works extremely well with these children. The last day this group is serving, Thursday, this group is planning a family B-B-Q. They are planning a lot of games, food, and a lot of interactive activities. This job is not as easy as it would sound. The students working in this group are growing a good relationship with these kids and it's amazing to see God work through them. (Pictures soon to come)

Group 4 is lead by Audrey Luciana and Joseph Oliver. Our group is working with a Chinese Baptist church group from Toronto Canada to serve in soup kitchen. Scott Mission was the name of the place we are serving. The mission serves food to homeless men and women in the community throughout the week. They serve anywhere from 100 to 200 meals a day for lunch. They have a very unique staff is solely dedicated to prayer, ministry and the Word of God. They more unique for the amazing diversity in their staffing. Their staff consists of Christians from Peru, Egypt, Iran, Sri Lanka, India, Greece, the Philippines, and more. They worked so well with our students and made the environment so warm and loving. A place you would never see the ethnic background but true work our God in what was being done.

Group 5 was lead by Jan Davis. She has been working alongside a church group from 2 hours north of Toronto to assist people at a women's shelter. Major Judy (Salvation Army Administator) showed such passion for women in need. She gave Jan's group a true understanding of what it meant to serve. It was not about the needs being met but the heart of each individual seeking love, care and compassion for what they were going though. The day did not consist of much hard work, but the visions of what God was doing left and imprint of what God is going in the lives of women in need.

The night ended with a trip to a great big park for fun and fellowship with some of the other groups. Relationships are being built within our students with other church groups that normally take days to occur. Barriers have been taken down and connects are developing. Our students are hungry for what God has for them. It showed in our time of worship. But the topic for the night was worship. Worship of God is essential to our growth with God. In the eyes and heart of these students, they are willing to make that sacrifice to worship anywhere. But they are always willing to show what it means to worship.

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