Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Niagara Update

Good Evening,

We are having an awesome time in Niagara Falls so far. All the students are having a lot of fun with everyone from our group and the other groups. Our stomachs have hurt numerous times because of all the laughter! It is great to see the fellowship happening. Last night we went to a local orchard that was one of the last stops for many slaves looking for freedom in Canada. They had a tons of homemade jelly that the students are bringing home to you. Last night we had a great talk about stepping in like Jesus.

Today was our 3rd work day and a lot of teams transitioned into another work site. Many served landscaping, serving meals on wheels, sorting and cleaning thousands of sandals that get donated to a those less fortunate in Africa, and much more. The students are getting to know a ton of people in this community. They have had the opportunity to hear and listen to their stories. We have learned a lot about this community. One crazy statistic is that 75% of this community is under government assistance. Some work sites are going so well that Kristopher Jermany told one lady "thank you for letting us tear up your house." They were ripping up 60 year old flooring to get to the original hardwood underneath.

Tonight we are going to a local church service in downtown Niagara Falls.

Niagara Day 3

Good Morning,

Here are some photos from the last couple days. Yesterday was the best day yet. The students worked so hard and are a little sore today. Please pray for energy today as we are going out for day 3 of work. Thanks for all the support and We will blog again this afternoon. Enjoy the photos!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Niagara Falls day 2

Hello sorry it has taken so long to post our first blog we have been very busy. We have arrived safely and the drive was very fun and loud. Most of the vans were jamming out the whole way. We had an awesome night of worship and a message on living like Jesus. We also celebrated Rebekah Grant's birthday with a cake! Yesterday was our first work day and we have 7 groups working around the city in soup kitchens, landscaping, and cleaning people's homes. Some students decided to stay up late Sunday night so they were exhausted by the end of the day. They learned their lesson and went to bed early last night ☺
We also went to the falls last night and it was "amazing and extraordinary" (in the words of Kristopher Jermany). I will post pictures later. Today is our second work day. We are working hard tearing up a floor in a 100 year old house that they are turning into a rec center. It is amazing to see how hard everyone is working and the joy they have doing so. Thanks for your prayers,  more updates to come! 

Saturday, June 21, 2014

On our way home

We just finished our stay in New York. We about to hit the road to head back to Pittsburgh. Parents, we will see you at church at 8pm. It was a great trip and I know the students are looking forward to sharing about their trip with you. See you soon.

Friday, June 20, 2014

On our way to New York!!!

It has been a vwry busy week where keeping up with the blog was nearly impossible. But we have some amazing pictures and stories about the work we have been a part of in Queens, NY. In the meantime, we are on our way into an even bigger part of the city, Manhattan.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

We have arrived

We are here in Queens, NY. We made it safely. It was a great time of traveling through New Jersey and New York. The traffic was fun and not as long as we expected. As we made our way through New York, the kids were amazed at the size of the city, the beauty and the history. Also as we made it across the George Washington bridge,  we came through the Bronx briefly and then into Queens. As we made our way through both areas, the amazement of so many ethnic groups was shocking. It was shocking from the various restaurants,  businesses,  and people walking the streets.  This day is a great start to our trip where God is already exceeding expectations.  Thank you for all your prayers as we  traveled and we as for continued prayer for our team of students, leaders and groups here in Queens, NY.

Welcome to New York

We have made it to New York City. We have met New York City traffic on the George Washington Bridge.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Queens 2014

This Sunday, we will leave Pittsburgh, Pa to take a journey to New York. In New York, we will be serving in Queens, NY which is one of the five Boroughs. I believe and know God is going to do an amazing work in and through the lives of the Students and Leaders who are embarking on this journey. Over the next few days and throughout this week, take time to follow us through the blog and pray for us while we are away. There will be pictures posted and maybe some videos to give you a glimpse of the great work we are doing in Queens. To God be all the Glory. QUEENS HERE WE COME!!!!!