Friday, July 27, 2012

Ecuador 2012 Nate and Aaron

I woke up at 6:50 this morning to the sound of “Big Red” the rooster crowing outside of the boys’ dormitory. Breakfast consisted of bread rolls, hardboiled eggs, yogurt, and fruit. After morning devotions and our prayer for the following day, we headed out to our respective work areas. Mine was the same one for the past 3 days of work, and that involved filling in a nasty bog that attracted breeding mosquitoes, and it was an eyesore that could be converted into fertile planting ground. It was really cool getting to see the project coming together and the teamwork from the people involved in it. We formed two long terraces today along one of the edges of it today, and started digging a hole for where the septic system will one day be.
I’m typing this on the bus ride to Guamani, where we had VBS yesterday and where we are having it again today. It is very close to where the soccer tournament was, so I am seeing many of the same kids at VBS. It was a lot of fun yesterday playing with the kids, and watching them as they colored pictures and tried to brush the model of a person’s teeth that Jenny Turnbull had brought. I’m praying that the kids will see Christ in us and want to have Him for themselves as well.

Aaron Reay
7/26/12  16:51  Return trip to Quito.
 Hey it's Nate...          
            God is alive; and He is living in Ecuador.  This past week I have seen His hands working in so many different ways and in so many different people.  Over the past week we interacted with three very different communities, and God’s presence, power, and love permeated all of them.  The first was in the capital city of Quito.  Just a week before we arrived, IncaLink received permission from the state to open a home for children whose parents are in prison.  The government program was closing down due to lack of support, and the children, aged 2 years to 15 years, would have had nowhere to go.  They call it Tesoros, which means treasures.

Nate Turnbull

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