Thursday, July 19, 2012

Ecuador 7/19 (Rebecca)

Hola from the fantastic city of Quito, Ecuador! Although we have only been here for just over a day, I am so incredibly encouraged that the Lord will do fantastic things in and through the group this week. I know that Tyler talked about some of the adventures that we have experienced this far, so without going into the same details I want to share some of the things that have really stuck out to me so far about our group. #1 The team has done really well adapting to the very different altitude, sun schedule (the sun rises just after six and sets after six), and culture. For some of them it is their first time in another continent doing missions work and they are learning and growing extremely fast- I have to keep pinching myself to make sure it's real. #2 They have done a great job adapting to the schedule and not complaining about unknown situations. When we had to sit on the plane for an extra three (or more) hours I did not hear one person complain about being tired or hungry. And on the worksite everyone worked really well together and was constantly encouraging each other- it was really cool to observe the entire group working together as a TEAM. #3 The team devotions, prayer times, and debriefs have been really great. It's so awesome to see the strengths of everyone come out in the various situation. Whether it was Joy Ike leading us in worship, Pastor Scott teaching the students how to use an axe, or Clair McCarthy helping other students to understand Spanish. Each and every person has unique talents and abilities and it is going to be great to see everything unfold this week. Those are just three of the many observations that I have made so far on this trip about the team. Thank you so much for your prayer and support on this trip! We will be venturing into the jungle tomorrow so please pray for safety on the road and then on the worksite in the afternoon. Have a fantastic day! ~Rebecca Wakeley

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