Monday, July 16, 2012

Greenville 7-16-12: Day 1

Hello Everyone,

           The SMO trip to Greenville has been great so far! We arrived in Greenville yesterday around 4pm. The drive was very easy, other than hitting heavy rain for about 15 minutes. All of the middle schoolers are getting their first taste of what college dorm life is all about; small rooms, no A/C, and waiting in line for a shower. We had a great time last night playing games, eating pizza, worshipping, and hearing a great message from the speaker about serving this community. The theme verse for all of the SMO trips is Micah 6:8 and the theme verse for Greenville is 1 John 3:16, "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers." 
            We have split up into 3 work groups doing all kinds of different projects. The first 2 work groups are painting picnic tables at a sports complex and community park. The 3rd group got the opportunity to spend time with the elderly in a nursing home. Even though the first 2 groups got messy, they had a ton of fun. The first two groups had to clean the tables, then pull out all of the staples, then finally paint them. Also the painting crews were really fast, they finished all the tables before the day was over. The 3rd group had a great time spending time at the nursing home and got a great opportunity to make crafts for some of the residents and pray with the staff there. Each group had a blast and are excited to go back tomorrow for more. Each group also was able to meet some other students from Grove City Alliance Church and Greenville Alliance Church. Each work site has one ACAC group with another group from a different church. We are going to let some students express how their first day went!

Group 1-Mia Belgie- Team Teen Titans (Tripple T)
        "I liked going to the sports complex painting in the pavilions. It took a lot of energy and physical labor to get the staples out of the tables and it was really hot out. I got a lot of green paint all over me. I also liked getting to know some of the other students from the other church. My favorite animal is a Giraffe."

Group 2- Jack McCarthy- Team Kookies
        "I liked going because we got the opportunity to fix up the park. The tables were pretty bad before we got their. They were really dirty, they had staples all through them, and the paint was all chipped. We got the opportunity to meet someone from the town who thanked us for everything we were doing. My favorite part of the day was doing the dirty work and painting all of the tables. My favorite animal is a dog."

Group 3- Josh Thomas- Team White Lighting
        "I liked going because we got to the opportunity to decorate for their picnic that they are having. We also had a great opportunity praying with the staff. We made banners with signs that were welcoming everyone in. It was nice to be there because it had air conditioning while the other groups were in the heat. We also were able to talk to some people who were lonely and get to know a little about who they are, their story, and their families. My favorite animal is the Mandra." 

I hope you enjoy some of the pictures so far.

We will be updating the blog daily sometime between 3-5. 

We ask you to continue to pray for us as we serve the community and God. 

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