Hello my wonderful friends,
Thanks for praying and following.
Mark found some internet and a little time during the work morning to jump on to connect. So I wanted to give a brief summary and update.
GOD HAS BEEN VERY GOOD. The IncaLink team here are all incredible, they lead, encourage prepare... we are in good hands.
The trip to Huaticocha was breath taking, everything from the small towns to the mountains to the waterfalls. so much to take it. many gazed and rested. On Saturday we jumped into work arond the soon to be missions school. we cleared a place for a prayer center, cleaned and shaped the grounds and are filling in the diverted creek. The filling is a little more complicated but future posts will likely explain that. Saturday afternoon and Sunday was reach into a new community. We hosted a soccer tournement. many children and adults came to watch and play. The team did an outstanding job of connecting with the community - loving, caring, singing, playing hop scotch and a new form of volleyball. They gathered aronud the consession stand and interacted with the community. I would say that that the environment at the field was very similar to the softball fields or deck hockey rinks aronud Pittsburgh on any given summer Saturday and Sunday. At the end of the competition, Rebecca gave her testimoney of God working in her life through the several knee surgeries.
The team built a significant bridge for the Inca Link team, please pray for the bridge to continue.
Saturday evening we attended the Alliance church in Huaticocha. Such warm and loving people. The service was filled with lots of singing - both in our language and theirs. We all sensed a wonderful spirit of praise. Joy sang a special number and all the students sang for the church.
Sunday evening we hung out at the church / pastor's house for a hoome cooked meal, soup, rice, mashed potatoes and chicken. Excellent! We actually have eaten very well all the time the IncaLink crew, Fernado and Cheryl have prepared great tasting food every day.
Today the team is back working, building community, connecting and praying for all that God will be doing through the people and the missions school.
We have had some bumps and cuts here and there, but God has always been bigger. And this hapens because you are praying. please continue to pray for each of us and all that is going on .
This afternoon we venture out into the same community for VBS.
Some of the students and leaders have been writing there thoughts on a seperate compuuter and I will post them as time and access allow.
My time is up. Pictures next time.
For all the team, 'Hello, we Love you, thanks for praying'
P Scott
Thanks for the update! Will keeping praying that our BIG God continues to work through the team.