Wednesday, July 22, 2015

SMO Ensenada Day 5

 Hola this is the one and only Jake Traeger. Today I woke up and had my usually breakfast of pancakes and pancakes, and they were supposedly made with extra love. Joel had us all come together and had us answer would you rather questions. Then we broke off into smaller groups and answered more serious questions to get to know each other better.  after this we had lunch.  After lunch we went to the beach and I got very sunburned, but it was worth it because I Saved the weak and feeble Joel and Scott from birds. then everyone played some fútbol. we also met the oasis kids at the beach. we went back and went to different churches and played our puppet show about Jonah. it is such an amazing feeling being able to connect and understand with a language that you don't understand. the kids love piggy back rides hitting each other and thumb wrestles. then we had some down time and went to Oxxo (Convenient store) before the oasis boys left, and then we slept.
Written with love,
Jake Traeger

 Today was an awesome day full of fun, laughter, and ministry. We started out the day with prayer and team building growing in our relationships with each other. We spent the afternoon at the beach. It was extremely hot and the water felt great! Today was our first day of doing ministry in the local churches. Over the week we have been practicing our puppet show on the story of Jonah. Tonight was the first night we presented the story to the kids. We split up into 2 groups and each headed to different churches to lead VBS and teach about fulfilling the Great Commission. There were about 35 kids that came for the VBS. We led crafts, songs, puppet show, and games with the kids. While VBS was going on, a group of students, leaders, and staff taught the local congregations about the fulfilling Jesus' command to go and make disciples. It was a great night of ministry as we challenged, prayed for, and loved this community. Continue to pray that we continue to impact this community and love the people God puts in our path.

Enjoy the pictures!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Ensenada Day 4

Another day in and around Ensenada. We had the opportunity to explore the community and the area around Ensenada again today - similar to yesterday but flipping the two groups.
Half our team grew in their understanding of the area around the Envision center and half ventured into the densely populated city of Ensenada. from the overview we could see the tight shack style community, the expensive gated townhouses near the over look and the cruise ship. The contrast of people, home, economics and values was stark. We enjoyed our time and spent some good time in prayer. I was encouraged by the heart for people demonstrated by all our students.

The interns guided and shared about the community around the Envision center and we had many good chances to connect with people.

The students have been growing together in community, developing deeper relationships and laughing.

God is stretching us in the way we see people that are different than us and helping us see the similarities.

This evening we took some time to visit our team that is staying out at the Oasis Boys home. The 30 minute ride away from our busy streets was filled with beautiful mountains and some interesting attractions - a waterslide built into the side of the mountain, a camping facility, complete with ATV rentals, a zipline and a more. This community is so diverse.

Our team at Oasis is doing well and will report tomorrow evening.

We spent some time this evening practicing our puppet story for the VBS programs tomorrow evening - the students are getting better with each practice. Please be praying for our programs tomorrow evening. We will run two church services  - working with the adults and the children.  Our hope is that we can communicate that we need everyone to play a part in bringing the Gospel to everybody.

Thanks for checking in.
Here are a couple pictures of our students with new friends, playing and praying for the city.
P Scott

Monday, July 20, 2015

SMO Ensenada - Day 3

This morning we got up early and gathered in the center for a time of prayer and devotion.  It was a blessing to hear David and Aleah share their vision for Ensenada.  We then got to pray for our time here in Mexico and meditate on God's Word.  After breakfast and some down time we split into two groups and some of us headed off on a prayer walk through Ensenada.  One group went to the park where we had an opportunity to meet, talk to and pray for children and families. It was amazing to see how God led us to people who had needs that only He can meet.  The people were very friendly and open to talking to us about their hopes and needs.  We then walked up to a high point in Ensenada where we were able to see the splendor of God's creation and continue to pray for the people of Mexico, specifically Ensenada.  We also prayed for the local pastors and ministries.

The other 1/2 of our group went on a tour of downtown Ensenada where they got to hear about David and Aleah's heart for the city.  They also got to pray over the city and pray that the Envision team would have the opportunity to witness to people and develop relationships.  Much like Pittsburgh, you can find affluence and poverty in close proximity.

The teams returned to the center to refuel with another fine meal.  Then we split into three teams and visited homes of people with the pastors from the local churches.  The families welcomed us into their homes and shared their testimonies with us, and we got to share some of our stories with them.  We were richly blessed by the testimonies of the families and humbled by the way that God allowed us to minister to them through prayer and fellowship.  We serve an awesome God!! We look forward to another day of ministry tomorrow.

SMO Ensenada 2015:Day 2

 After a much needed night of rest from all the traveling, we awoke to beautiful weather with a cool chill in the air. We had an authentic Mexican breakfast with fresh fruit, yogurt, cereal and pancakes. After breakfast, we did the chores around the Center to make sure everything is clean and well-kept. (Fyi parents, kids are doing chores here. They can do them at home. lol) Once the chores were done, we got ready to head out to the churches in the community for Sunday church service. We split up our missions team to visit 3 different church sites for morning service. It was a little difficult to break through the language barriers at first. The worship songs were in the Spanish, there was minimal translation and left students uncomfortable. This was  good time for students and leaders to wrestle with how to interact and communicate with the people at church. I believe many of those barriers were reduced as we sung worship song after worship song. Our student worshipping and singing with the people of Ensenada as an audience of one to our great God was amazing. It allowed for the students to see others their age and from another country worshipping.

After a 3 wonderful services in different locations, we gathered back together at the Center before we went to play soccer at a nearby field. It was a great game. Our students hung in there against some of the best players from the Oasis Boys Home. (You will learn more about this place on Wednesday. Stay tuned for that.) Students battled back and forth goal after goal to have an amazing time playing one of the greatest sports around the world.
Once soccer with the fellas from the Oasis Boys Home was over, we returned to the Center to clean up for dinner. But before we had dinner, some of the students and leaders explored the surrounding neighborhood. They visit the area basketball courts and play ground to interact with the people in community. One of the young ladies we met today invited our girls to come play soccer with their girls team later this week. So early in this trip and God is allowing for the language barrier to not be an obstacle rather an opportunity. The opportunities come with hearing God's word preached in another language to challenge us to God an read about what was taught. God has given opportunities for our students to interact an share about their relationship with God. God has been growing each one of us while we are here

Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support. God is doing a mighty work in and through all in Ensenada, Mexico. Look for the next post tomorrow. Until then, Buenas Noches!! (Good night)

Saturday, July 18, 2015

SMO Ensenada 2015 Day 1

Almost dinner time!!
We have arrived in Ensenada, Mexico. It was a long travel day starting at 345am when the first flight team arrived at Pittsburgh International Airport. With half awake students and leaders checking in to get boarding passes, going through TSA security and waiting for our flights to depart, there was  passion and vision for what the mission trip to Mexico was going to in-tale. So, we took our flights out to San Diego, California where we were expecting wonderful weather. As we arrived, we were met by some major torrential downpours of rain. But the rain would not stop our progress. We loaded our luggage into our vans and headed to our favorite lunch stop in California, In & Out Burger. This restaurant always serves as a bench mark in the trip. It is a place filled with great food, laughter and more memories for years to come.
Meeting the Intern serving in Ensenada
Gathering our luggage in San Diego

We left not so sunny San Diego to head for the border crossing into Mexico. Thank you Lord for no long stops or hold ups at the border. The added blessing the Lord gave to us was clear sky all the way to Ensenada. God was preparing the way for a better time where we were going.

As we arrived at the Center in Ensenada, were greeted joyfully by the interns and staff of the C&MA  Ensenada Envision site. We were able to unpack, get settled in and enjoy a wonderful Mexican dinner after our orientation.

As the mission trip moves forward, there are going to be many things asked of us. In doing so, we are fulfilling the plan God intended to use us for. As the blog gets updated, please be in prayer for our students, leaders, the missionaries, the interns, and the people of Ensenada. May God use us this week to expanded His kingdom in a powerful way. Thanks!! Let's GO BUCS!!!

Friday, July 17, 2015

SMO Ensenada 2015

Today, the Ensenada team of students and leaders are doing all their final packing and preparation for our departure to Ensenada, Mexico. The is great exciting and anticipation for what God is going to do in and through us while we are in Mexico. Please pray for the students, leaders and staff attending the trip. You can look for updates on the trip soon!!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Ensenada - 2014 Friday

One last day ... for VBS, Oasis and construction.

As I write the boys have headed to bed, the girls are "packing" the interns are singing Karaoke, and a small handful of leaders are playing best of 37 on the foosball table and Mike has just finished his evening clean and mop of the dining area. It had been a great week on so many levels. Today as the the final day of ministry - but the students continued to step up - to serve and to love.

The VBS team represented today. They showed their flexibility, willingness to go the extra mile and see the children as the focus (and not themselves). After a surprise second group showed several hours before our group was scheduled to host a VBS on the same day, with the same kids...our groups jumped in to help, play...and love on the kids.

Several students who desired to serve primarily in construction shifted toward the Oasis home and more relational ministry. These students really loved others and built friendships. As the boys from the home shared their transformational stories of Christ pursuing them and the joy they now experience, our students' worldview and understanding of a God who loved individuals changed for the better.

The construction teams worked hard. Many learned how to frame walls, hang drywall, mud a wall and sand...and so much more. By the end of the week the team was able to virtually complete the house. The new owners brought us a home cooked meal - not that PBJ or ham and cheese are bad, but  this was really good.  At the end of the day we had a dedication service and officially handed the young couple the keys to the home and prayed for them.

We were blessed this week.
Tomorrow we travel back to San Diego  - a slightly different schedule and a little slower pace.

We will be putting together a presentation for you during mission month in October.
Thanks for your continued prayer support!
P Scott